If you’re pregnant, you should know how to protect yourself against abortion curse. First and foremost, don’t tell anyone that you’re pregnant, especially during the first trimester when the fetus is the most vulnerable and can be lost even from a basic spell. When your belly starts to show, wear lose shirts to hide it. The longer you can hide your pregnancy, the better.

Don’t let strangers or people who might wish ill on you into your house. Check your house (including the garage, the basement and the attic) for odd objects which could have been planted there by an ill-wisher in order to put a curse on you. These include human hair, threads, animal hair, broken needles, open English pins, broken glass, teeth, bones, ashes and coal, rotting meat, notes, etc.

If you find anything that you believe might have been planted by another person, get rid of it immediately. Don’t do it yourself though. Ask a family member who you think is the strongest and has the most courage. He or she should put on rubber gloves before they do it. Here’s how it’s done: swipe the object(s) on a sheet of paper, fold it, and toss it into an outdoor trash container. Toss the gloves and the broom too. Then take a shower.

Abortion curseIf you find any suspicious objects but the family member who can help you with it isn’t going to come for a few hours, which means the object will stay a few more hours in your house, then put a candle next to it and light it. It will keep the curse from spreading throughout your place.

Never brag about your pregnancy, especially in front of your friends who can be jealous, are currently unhappy, or may dislike you for some reason. It’s highly likely that one of them will order a miscarriage spell in order to put you down. When you see these people, don’t say anything. Don’t bring up your pregnancy. Don’t encourage them to use spells for miscarriage against you. If possible, avoid these people completely at least until your baby turns one or two years old.

If you think someone is wishing ill on you, it’s easy to find out who it is. Light three candles and put them on the table. Put photographs of the suspects in a semicircle on the table too. Put a gold ring on a long thread and bring your hand over the photos so the ring is exactly in the middle of your semicircle. Don’t move your hand. At some point the ring will start swinging. If one of the suspects is an ill-wisher, the ring will be drawn to his or her photo like to a magnet. I, spellcaster Maxim, can assure you that this will happen if one of your friends is going to use or has already used one of the miscarriage spells against you.


If this happens, what do you do? Contact an experienced wizard. A trained enchanter will protect you. It’s quite difficult to remove such spells, however with the right magic expert on your side and Higher Powers’ blessing everything will be fine.

Be careful with what you receive as presents and with the presents you give to your loved ones, as these can be used in order to curse you. If any gift you received makes you anxious for some reason, put it away or better throw it out. If you don’t want to hurt the feelings of the person who gives you a gift, accept the gift with gratitude and, as soon as this person leaves, dispose of it.

Don’t accept toys or personal things that belonged to chronically unhappy people. Sometimes women who lost their baby or had their baby pass away shortly after birth, give away things they bought for the baby while they were pregnant. They don’t realize what a horrible thing they do. When they give away a dead child’s toys, clothes and furniture, they give away their abortion curse too. If you accept even a baby bottle warmer or a pack of diapers from a woman who has recently lost a baby, your chances of experiencing a similar tragedy will skyrocket.

Such objects must be destroyed. There is no need to start a ritual fire though. However, the least you can do is to invite a professional sorcerer to make sure that whatever you have is not threating your baby and not radiating negative energy. To neutralize negative energy, cut or break the object into pieces, put it in a bag, and throw it out. The key is to make sure no one else will ever use it.


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