Effects of obsession love spells

 There are two sides of a coin, right. And love spells have the same too. There has to be a balance of the good and the bad in the universe, and so in as much as there might be significantly positive results from obsession spell casting, negative consequences also linger.

Here are both sides of this scenario.

Positive effects

Without a doubt, the first positive effect of an obsessive love spell is that you will finally get a hold of your love. They shall be at your beck and call, offering you everything you desired- attention, affection, gifts, time; name it, you will get it!

Secondly, you can beat the competition if the main reason to use an effective obsession spell was to achieve that. If the spell is successful, you will get the desires of your heart.

The negative results

On the flip side, things can get pretty ugly with a voodoo obsession spell that takes full force.

First of all, the person under the spell gets super attached to you in that they can even lose themselves to please you. This notion is attractive in the beginning, but it can get dangerous if misused. The aftereffect is that they may give up their jobs, responsibilities, families, and even friends to just be with you. Powerful obsession spells can do this to someone, and this is very unfortunate.


Secondly, an obsession love spell could spell doom on you since the obsessed partner may become overly protective and ends up becoming a very jealous person. The jealousy may get out of control, and this may ruin all your other relationships. They will only want you for themselves, so even a family member will seem like a potential enemy.

Thirdly, your space will forever be invaded. Meaning they might trail you wherever you go. Be it the gym, work, or home.

These obsessions can become very dangerous such that the person you put under a spell gets utterly obsessive to even lock up in the house. Or even worse, kill you or someone else because they were trying to keep you away from what they perceive as a threat.


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