How to treat the money right

 First of all, you should remember that you must treat your money respectively. Treat money well to attract more! Follow the rules below:

1. Money should be kept in a beautiful purse or box, never leave your wallet empty. You can also keep the money under the red carpet or cloth. Red color attracts money. It is recommended to keep money in the kitchen. This is the best place. For example, on the fridge. The worst place to keep your money is the bedroom.

2. Banknotes of different denominations should be kept in different departments.

3. Do not lend money after the sunset; otherwise it will get away from you. If you lend money – take it with your left hand; return it with your right hand.

4. Do not lend money on Sunday and Monday, otherwise you risk not to get back the debt.

5. Do not tell anyone about your salary. Keep a secret. Go away from these conversations, there is a potential for a jinx.

6. Never waste your last money. You can close your money channel forever.

7. Money should circulate. If you are afraid of poverty and save all your money without wasting, the money will not multiply.

8. Be sure to close the toilet, otherwise your wealth will flow out.

9. When you give alms, does not look into the eyes of the needy, you can absorb his energy of poverty.

10. Borrow money only in case of emergency. On the growing moon. Tuesday is the worst day for financial operations.

11. Do not lend your last money. If you feel that you don't want to borrow, don't do it. Your intuition tells you that this man will not return the debt.


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