Rules of monetary magic you need to follow

 Before using money magic is necessary to remember some rules. If you follow the rules, you will definitely get stunning results.

1. You cannot use monetary magic with a purpose to enrich yourself at the expense of other people. You cannot abuse the generosity, helplessness, or trust of other people and you should rely only on the help of higher power and your own strength.

2. Rituals will not help if you don't try to make money. You should try hard with a vengeance to make monetary magic believe that you need money. If you sit back and do nothing, you won’t get a penny. The universe can decide that you don't deserve money and wealth because of your laziness.

3. You must be a hundred percent certain that you need money. If you have doubts, do not use money spells. Imagine clearly in your head what you gonna do with money.

4. You always need to indicate the desired amount of money. If you wish to get a billion, your wish will not come true, because this sum of money is unrealistic for your subconscious. You have never seen that kind of money! Ask for the exact amount of money and know exactly what you can do with this sum.

5. Monetary magic is directly connected with your emotions. If your financial position afflicts you, monetary magic will not work.

6. You can't tell anyone about the use of money spells. It should be a big secret.

7. Money spells can be attractive or expulsive. Expulsive spells save you from the black strip in life (problems, debts, loans). Attractive spells attract in life success, money, comfort and well-being. To open a business or finding a new job, you must use the time from new moon to full moon. Expulsive spells or incantation must be used from full moon to new moon.

8. There are certain color symbols in monetary magic. During the execution of the rituals you should stick to certain colors. Such colors, as: green, gold, orange, brown, and red.


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