So, What Kinds of Magic Spells Are We Talking About Here?

 Maxim makes it clear on her website that she usually uses white magic and reserves black magic for last resorts you know, when nothing else seems to work. She does point out that when black magic is called for “I use it with the utmost caution as my clients’ safety is my top priority.”

When you click on the Spells tab, you get a few choices in the form of categories. There are five of them and they are: White Magic, Love Spells, Black Magic, Money Spells and Reading The Tarot (we told you cards were involved somewhere around here).

1 – Love Spells

Who wouldn’t want to have that special someone you see at work or school or in your apartment building suddenly fall in love with you? Hey, there are even movies written on such possibilities. The power that would be required must be massive and difficult to harness. Well, not so with Spellcaster Maxim in your corner. Not only does she already have a “large collection of love spells” she keeps adding to them.


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