What Type of People Should Be Targeted with a Death Curse?

 The role you want death hexes to play could be dependent on some factors. Chief among these factors is why you want to cast the spell to begin with, and what that target has done. With this information, selecting a suitable spell path (white or black) that works best is much easier. Here’s a look what someone may have done to want to pull their plug permanently.





Not remorseful


Harmful to a relationship

Doesn’t want you to go forward

Not supportive and doesn’t seem to relent in creating pain

Unconditional hatred for your desires


Discussing these actions from an individual is important. But you must confide in your spell caster only. With info on such an individual’s actions, an enchanter will know whether a death hex is necessary. If a death spell isn’t what you need, recommendations are sure to come swiftly from your enchanter.

Make sure you adhere to the instructions passed down from your spell caster. You don’t want to have to deal with significant blowback anytime soon.


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