Make her love me spell

 When you’re halfway through, put the candles up. When you’re done with the candies, light the candles. Put your hands over the candies and repeat 12 times:

“I’ve created you! I have special power over you! I know you won’t disobey me! I know you’ll do as I ask! I command you to make (his name) fall in love with me (your name)!”

Blow out the candles but don’t put them away. You’ll need to light them later. Before you go see your loved one, light the candles and wrap one heart-shaped candy in a handkerchief. Put it in your purse. When you see the man you love, offer him the candy and make sure he eats all of it. Repeat three times. If he fails to eat even one candy (for example, because his plans changed and you didn’t get to see him) and you have to bring the candy back home, consider your make her love me spell failed.

Why? Spellcaster Maxim emphasizes the importance of this question. He says a failure can be caused by your lacking energy or skills. However, more likely reasons for your love spell’s failure include:

- You’re cursed;

- The man you love is cursed;

- You’re bewitched;

- The man you love is bewitched;

- You don’t really love him (whether you admit it or not);

- The target is in love with someone else;

- You failed to choose the right day to perform the ritual;

- You don’t believe you can be happy;

- The man you love isn’t good for you, so you won’t be happy with him. For this reason your Guardian Angels don’t let you succeed with your love spell;

- You’re programmed for loneliness by your karma;

- You’re not good for the man and he won’t be happy with you.

For these and other reasons even proven love spells published by spellcaster Maxim on his amazing website may fail. However, these obstacles are easily dealt with by spell caster Maxim. He’s not afraid of complex tasks and offers magic service packages that include diagnostics, obstacle elimination, joint karma creation, and bringing you to the line of your destiny where the man you love will fall in love with you.

We keep saying it’s the man who’s our target but we’re wrong. According to the information published on his website, spellcaster Maxim, who inspired us to write this article in the first place, helps not only women but also men, straight and gay people, and people of all ages.


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