Modern witchcraft love spells

 The second love spell is one of the modern witchcraft love spells. It’s cast with a smartphone or tablet. Open a photo of your beloved taken while this person was calling you. It’s easy to do. When you’re with him, call his number and when he picks up and brings his phone to his ear, take a photo of him. If he asks you what’s going on, say it’s a joke. Don’t admit you’re preparing to use magic on him.

Spellcaster Maxim has a dedicated section about it on his website. In his experience, disclosing information about a spell immediately breaks it. Once his client admits to the target that she is working with an enchanter, Maxim loses his magical power. He won’t even be able to finish the spell and most likely refuse to work with you. If you’re lucky, he’ll agree to cast a different spell hoping next time you’ll keep it secret. Naturally, you’ll be charged for this spell separately.

You should never tell anyone about your love spells, especially to the person you love. In traditional esotericism there is a term for it – “simple breakup spell”. It’s a spell to break the preceding love spell. If you’re tired of your relationship and want to move on, you just tell your significant other that he loves you because he’s influenced by a love spell you put. Also show him some proof, such as some candles left after the ritual. In your case, these will be a candle end and two photos glued together with wax.

As for the spell, open a photo of your loved one, call his number, and before he picks up, say:

“Now you’ll call me but it’s a trap. I put it in your way for you to fall into the trap of my love.”

When the man you love picks up, pretend that you can’t hear him and hung up. When he calls you back, repeat the above incantation three times before you pick up. Do it 9 times. Then watch. If your loved one looks like he’s getting annoyed by it, discontinue the ritual. He’ll never love you. But if he finds it cute, thinks it’s a joke and doesn’t mind calling you back, perform the ritual until the end and don’t doubt that it’ll melt his heart and you’ll start dating shortly.


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